Mid-Continent Compliance Forum
Improving compliance through the sharing
of experiences, tools and methods
Welcome to the MCCF Website!
We're looking forward to continuing to grow and expand the content to better meet the needs of our participants. We hope you'll join us at our full forum meetings' these meetings are guaranteed to be full of new and interesting topics, which include: Self-Report and Mitigation Plans, Lessons Learned, Q&A with the MRO and much more!
This website provides you with the ability to ask other participants their opinion on your topic of choice. If you have a specific dilemma that you would like an outsiders opinion on or if you just want some advice, there is now a location where other MCCF participants will automatically get notified when you post in the discussion area. It's easy to get to. From the home page go to Participants Only, then go to MCCF Discussion Group and click on "new post".
2025 MCCF Spring Forum
Thank you to all that attended the forum.
The presentations will be posted in a few days.
Forum Topics
Gaining Efficiencies with Limited Resources
FERC Supply Chain NOPR
Audit Experiences
FERC Order 881 Update
Drone Detection Mitigation
NERC Rule 321 Authority and Process
MCCF Board Updates
If you have any questions, please contact Michael Brytowski at MBrytowski@grenergy.com or 763-445-5961.
Watch this space for information on upcoming MCCF Forums
Register for Access
The MCCF Board of Directors is excited to announce the MCCF website is now capable of maintaining participant accounts and facilitating new participant registrations. The updated MCCF website will also contain the MCCF Discussion Board and File Cabinet.
Click on the "Participants Only" tab on the menu for instructions on setting up your account.
Questions -- Please contact Michael Brytowski at mbrytowski@grenergy.com
MCCF Participants Information
Become a MCCF Board of Director Member
Contact Us
- Secretary
Shonda McCain - Treasurer
Michael Brytowski - Webmaster, Site Management, Member Registration